The Robot
June 05, 2017
In a society where there is the hegemony of the robotic technology and the acceptance of the "Skywalker" jobs, there exist the societal and justice problems.
The so-called' Skywalkers" earn the high wages and live in the best places and the "Groundwalkers" in contrast are the majority of people who earn the minimum wage and live in misery and poverty.
The "Groundwalkers"jobs are paid less than Canadian $11.25 per hour, when foods, fruits and micronutrients are not accessible for them.
They are forced to eat the calorie rich foods (The Triangle of: Too much Fats-Sugar-Salt).
They develop all sorts of diseases.
The governments know this reality but ignore the facts and the politicians put their heads into sand. The big corporations have the "Rosetta Blanca ."
They do what they want. Their profits are huge.
And 5 in 10 rely upon public assistance despite working a full-time jobs, then talking about the promotion of an sphere like "Robotosphere" in many branches of people's activities would sound a little bit imaginative but also generates fear and anxiety.
we'll lose to machines
-- and the ones
we won't |
Anthony Goldbloom
It is often said and also overemphasized that millions of other low-wage employees will not exist more.
Robots will replace their jobs.
The federal and provincial governments in Canada in this specific sphere of "ROBOTOPSPHERE" would have their chance to set minimum wages and also hour terms for the on-the-ground workers, the "Groundwalkers" who are highly qualified immigrants (MSs, PhDs and etc.).
These highly qualified immigrants confront a discriminative society where their values are not recognized.
For the clear reasons, they have no chance to find the jobs in their fields.
Therefore they are pushed to undertake a journey to the "GULAK" of their destiny.
Hence, for the sake of their children and their families, they will actually cook the food and haul the trash or will works as the security guards in many cities throughout Canada.
These jobs, also, will be taken away from them through their replacement with the robotic technology and AT (artificial technology).
Of course, this robotic technology will interfere with the continuation of the production of workers with various skills.
This robotic technology will intervene in the production process of technicians, skilled workers and production engineers and will replace them at the pleasure of the class of "Skywalkers" who control the wealth and the political power.
Top 10 Jobs
Most Likely
to be Replaced by Robots
If these skywalkers class make the robots their tools to assist them, then the control of the health care professional and the implementation of their ways of how they would think will be in the territory of this technology.
Most Likely
to be Replaced by Robots
The artificial technology and the replacement of robots will reduce demands on the health care professionals.
The shareholders woul not be ready to pay high wages to them.
They will reduce the payments to these professionals as they want.
The heath care system will be under their control and life and death will be in the hands of the share holders of the big corporations who own many hospitals.
Then by the hegemony of robotic technology as well as the artificial intelligence the political and economic spheres for controlling of many professions and their the values will not be determined by the individual persons.
How these people perform their works should correlate with the affordable costs for the shareholders. They want the maximum profits. They will consider many factors before they decide to hire someone.
on technology replacing jobs
Those who own the robots can fire any employees at will because of their workings are below the average productivity and they will
waste employee time when they continue to work.
on technology replacing jobs
The shareholders of the big companies who promote the replacement of the robots in many areas , will promote the special sphere for the robotic technology; this is the so-called the "Robotosphere."
About to Take Your Job
This kind of sphere would be everywhere in many fields.
The robots' owners will reason that the employees are wasting time and money, if they do not reduce their wages.
Hence these robots' owners who are dominant everywhere will not recognise the existence of their jobs; they will say their jobs are not as necessary by the market.
They will place the robots in their jobs and prevent these waste time and money.
Also, these robots' owners will not refund the employees who have been fired.
The unemployment rate will be increased drastically when the "Robotspehrism" becomes the dominant in every work.
The promoters of the "Robot-O-Sphere" will have the fundamental reasons towards both creation and needs unemployment.
The robots' owners will invest a lot on robots to reduce the costs and dependency to humans.
Their efforts will be divided into two parts: the first the part of their efforts would be to hire people who are ready to work with less wages and most importantly obey every commands.
The second part of their efforts of the robots' owners would be to buy or rents the robots and the other new technologies to do all sorts of jobs for them.
Will robots take
our jobs and
if so which ones?
BBC News
our jobs and
if so which ones?
BBC News
What does it
take to get
a groundworker job
United Airlines
ground workers
approve concessions
Many new immigrants
for less than
minimum wage: survey
Temp agencies paying
immigrants below minimum
Who Is Working
ForMinimum Wage
In Ontario?
List of
public workers making
over $100K
in Ontario grows;
top earner made $1.2M
Ontario’s Sunshine List balloons
over 100,000
as the average salary
decreases slightly
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